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- #ifndef _yLibCfgH
- #define _yLibCfgH TRUE
- /****************************************************************************************************\
- File: yLibCfg.h
- Version: 1.28
- Contains: AxON Configuration (Modules in or out)
- Written by: Gregory Mathias Lemperle-Kerr
- Copyright: ©1992-1998 by AKUA interactive media AG. All rights reserved.
- Usage: Configuration of AKUA's Library Agencies
- To Do:
- History
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ver Who When What
- --- --- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 128 GOD 19.12.1996 Add Y_TONGUES for international language support through the Bond Agency
- 127 GOD 07.12.1996 Add Y_HYPERCARD for the AxON Agency XCMD/XFCN support
- 126 GOD 07.12.1996 Add Y_MUZAK for the Muzak Agency
- 125 GOD 08.09.1996 Add Y_DRAGFOLDER to toggle support for dropping of HFS folders
- 124 GOD 14.08.1996 Add Y_NOTEMPMEM for things that get mem when TempMem is not initted.
- 123 GOD 08.08.1996 Added pre-init of Effect manager using Y_EFFECT. This is also not necessary to
- use the Effect Agency, just to speed up effects by allowing pre-loading of
- COPY agents.
- 122 GOD 07.08.1996 Added pre-init of Talk manager using Y_TALK. This is not necessary to USE the
- Talk Agency, just to init it when starting up.
- 121 GOD 28.07.1996 Add Y_WNDCAST_CREATE for creation of DLUTs.
- Add Y_BOND_DUMP for dumping of CoSt resources into a BOND file.
- 120 GOD 22.07.1996 Y_PRINTGX was missing in imported file.
- 119 GOD 22.07.1996 Damn Y_PICTLABEL was still in imported file. Changed to Y_LAYOUT
- 118 GOD 17.07.1996 Bring in NORAWPORT as Y_NORAWPORT to prohibit creation of a raw CGrafPort
- in dpRaw… routines.
- Added Y_INDEX since this was needed but not included...
- 117 GOD 08.07.1996 Add Y_JURY to include ability to ask user his opinion. Requires Y_BOND.
- 116 GOD 07.07.1996 Add Y_WNDCAST_CHECKS to check validity of 'ictb' and 'DLUT' resources
- since Resorcerer fucks them up quite often
- 115 GOD 24.06.1996 All options changed to TRUE/FALSE from just #define, so they can
- not be forgotten.
- 114 GOD 24.06.1996 Added Y_KNOT and Y_KN_CACHE for the Knot Agency.
- Begin changing #define xxx to #define xxx 1 or 0
- 102-113 GOD Lots of changes noted below
- 101 GOD 23.09.1994 Integration of STANDALONE, CONVERT, PANEL and UPDATE
- 100 GOD 15.04.1994 Start with AxON, NET, FILEELEM, VESSEL
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- \****************************************************************************************************/
- // For Code Resources
- // AxON Integration (yAxon… Files)
- #define Y_AxON FALSE
- #define Y_AxONEDIT FALSE
- // Bond Agency (yBond.c) for string & value tables
- #define Y_BOND FALSE
- // Conversion Integration (yConvert)
- // Drag & Drop Integration (yDrag)
- #define Y_DRAG FALSE
- // Effect Integration (yEffect)
- #define Y_EFFECT FALSE
- // FileElement Integration (yFile Partial)
- // Copy Protection Integration (yGuard)
- #define Y_GUARD FALSE
- // HyperCard Support (yAxon) for XCMD/XFCN calls
- // Index Agency (yIndex) for dynamic linking and agent overrides
- #define Y_INDEX FALSE
- // Jury Agency (yJury) for asking the user his opinion
- #define Y_JURY FALSE
- // Knot Agency for storing tagged blocks of data together
- #define Y_KNOT FALSE
- #define Y_KN_CACHE FALSE // Should Knot Agency be able to handle cached Knots?
- // Layout Agency Integration (yPict Partial)
- #define Y_LAYOUT FALSE
- // Muzak Agency Integration (yMuzak)
- #define Y_MUZAK FALSE
- // CommToolBox Integration (yNet)
- #define Y_NET FALSE
- // Panel Integration (Dialog Panels)
- #define Y_PANEL FALSE
- // Printing Integration (yPrint)
- #define Y_PRINT FALSE
- // QuickTime Integration (yVessel, yCompress, yGrip)
- #define Y_COMPRESS FALSE // Image Compression
- #define Y_GRIP FALSE // Video Input & Audio Input through QuickTime
- #define Y_VESSEL FALSE // Movie Toolbox
- // TextToSpeach Integration (yTalk)
- #define Y_TALK TRUE
- // International Support Integration (yBond, yMenu, yWndObj etc.)
- // Update Integration (yUpdate)
- #define Y_UPDATE FALSE
- // Window Cast (yWndCast) and Window Text (yWndTxt)
- #define Y_WNDCAST_CHECKS FALSE // Check validity of 'ictb' and 'DLUT' resources - since Resorcerer fucks them up quite often
- #define Y_WNDCAST_CREATE FALSE // Create Casts from DITLs if possible and necessary
- // X-Tend Agency (yXtend) for plug-ins
- #define Y_XTEND FALSE
- // Internal options off
- #define Y_NOBLACKANDWHITE FALSE // No support for non-colourQD machines
- #define Y_NOCOLOUR FALSE // No support for colour quickdraw
- #define Y_NODISPATCH FALSE // No Internal Event Dispatch (Standalone.c)
- #define Y_NORAWPORT TRUE // No support for drawing to our own raw port
- #define Y_NOTEMPMEM FALSE // No grabbing TempMem if we ain't got enough.
- enum Generics
- {
- kalGeneric = 128
- };
- // Specific to AlertTimex
- #define INITUSAGE TRUE // Going to be installed at init time - no app recording
- #endif // Already included